5.3.3 Step 2

The relinquishing record company will confirm (or not) to the DSP if the releases identified in the CatalogTransferMessage are part of the catalogue transfer agreed with the acquiring record company by forwarding to the DSP a CatalogTransferConfirmation. This is depicted as step (2b) in Figure 2.

All the releases that were listed in the received CatalogTransferMessage shall also be listed in the CatalogTransferConfirmation. Each release shall be communicated in the CatalogTransferConfirmation as follows:

  1. Those releases that are confirmed by the relinquishing record company as being part of the catalogue transfer shall be communicated in the ConfirmedReleaseList;

  2. Those releases that are rejected by the relinquishing record company as being part of the catalogue transfer shall be communicated in the RejectedReleaseList; and

  3. Those releases where the relinquishing record company has been unable to determine whether or not the releases are part of the catalogue transfer shall be communicated in the PendingReleaseList.

Confirmations or rejections of releases must be in respect of all elements of a release. Therefore, it is not possible for a relinquishing record company to confirm or reject only some elements of a release, for example, only three of five sound recording resources that make up the release.

The relinquishing record company is expected, subject to bilateral agreements, to keep sending updated CatalogTransferConfirmations until no releases are in the PendingReleaseList. This is depicted in step (4a) in Figure 2. In these updates, releases that have formerly been communicated in the RejectedReleaseList may be subsequently communicated in the ConfirmedReleaseList. However, once a release has been communicated in the ConfirmedReleaseList and thus part of the catalogue transfer, it cannot be subsequently communicated in the PendingReleaseList or as not being part of the catalogue transfer.

Details of the data to be provided in the CatalogTransferConfirmation are defined in Clause 6.