5.4 Summary

Table 1 below summarises the points in the choreography when each message defined in this standard is sent. The table also indicates who sends which message to whom.


Message Name

Initiating Event



CatalogTransfer Message (1a)

The acquiring record company and relinquishing record company have agreed a catalogue transfer and the acquiring record company has collated all necessary metadata about the releases that make up the catalogue transfer.

Acquiring record company


CatalogTransfer Confirmation (2a)

The DSP has received a confirmation for a catalogue transfer (e.g. receiving a CatalogTransferConfirmation from a relinquishing record company) and wishes to relay the information to the acquiring record company.


Acquiring record company

CatalogTransfer Message (3a)

The acquiring record company has determined that it needs to update some metadata about the releases contained in an earlier CatalogTransferMessage previously sent to the DSP.

Acquiring record company


CatalogTransfer Confirmation (4a)

The DSP has determined that it needs to update some metadata about the releases contained in an earlier CatalogTransferConfirmation previously sent to the acquiring record company.


Acquiring record company

NewReleaseMessage (5)

Upon completion of the reassignment of rights controller information aspect of the catalogue transfer, and once the acquiring record company has updated all the metadata about the releases that were the subject of the catalogue transfer and obtained resource files for all resources, the acquiring record company may wish to update the release data held by the DSP by sending a NewReleaseMessage as defined in Part 1 of the ERN standard.

Acquiring record company


CatalogTransfer Message (1b)

The DSP has received a CatalogTransferMessage and seeks to confirm the transfer with the relinquishing record company. This step is not part of the main cycle defined in this standard but is part of the confirmation cycle defined in this standard. This metadata exchange can however be effected using other message formats.


Relinquishing record company

CatalogTransfer Confirmation (2b)

The relinquishing record company has received a CatalogTransferMessage from the DSP and seeks to confirm (or not) the transfer is valid. This step is not part of the main cycle defined in this standard but is part of the confirmation cycle defined in this standard. This metadata exchange can however be effected using other message formats.

Relinquishing record company


CatalogTransfer Message (3b)

The DSP has determined that it needs to update some metadata about the releases contained in an earlier CatalogTransferMessage previously sent to the relinquishing record company.


Relinquishing record company

CatalogTransfer Confirmation (4b)

The relinquishing record company has determined that it needs to update some metadata about the releases contained in an earlier CatalogTransferConfirmation previously sent to the DSP.

Relinquishing record company


Acknowledgement Message (6)

Upon receipt of a message the recipient confirms receipt to the sender of the message. This acknowledgement is a technical acknowledgement only.



Table 1 — Messages in the Catalogue Transfer Standard

A communication used right at the beginning of the process that is not shown in Table 1 enables the acquiring record company to obtain metadata from the relinquishing record company about the releases that are the subject of the catalogue transfer. This metadata will usually have been defined in the contract between the two record companies. However, the acquiring record company may also wish to obtain the metadata in electronic format. This could be effected by using a CatalogTransferMessage.