6.2.2 Rules for initial CatalogTransferMessages

When initiating a catalogue transfer using a CatalogTransferMessage the acquiring record company shall:

  1. Ensure that the CatalogTransferId communicated to the DSP is unique for the particular list of releases that are the subject of the relevant catalogue transfer;

  2. Ensure that the IsUpdated flags in Figure 3 are omitted or set to false;

  3. Ensure that all identifiers provided for all elements of the releases are the ones currently used by the DSP;

  4. Ensure that no new identifiers for all the elements of the releases are contained in the message;

  5. Ensure that, if required, for the identification of the release, a ContainedPrimaryResource for each sound recording or video included in the release is included;

  6. Ensure, if a release contains multiple editions, for example, a stereo edition and an immersive edition, that have different metadata, for example, a different ISRC, that each edition is included in a separate ContainedPrimaryResource composite;

  7. Ensure that for each release there is at least one Deal in the message unless the acquiring record company wishes the existing deals, as previously communicated by the relinquishing record company to the DSP, to continue to apply; and

  8. Use the file naming convention defined in Clause 7.

The above rules, with the exception of rule 6.2.2(5), also apply to the CatalogTransferMessage sent from the DSP to the relinquishing record company.